So, I Spoke at SwiftLeeds 2023

Thanks to Adam and the incredible team of people behind SwiftLeeds, I was able to both attend and present (!) at my first industry conference this past October! The Playhouse is an amazing venue, especially when you’re boring ~350 people to the extent that I did, as I presented a (slightly) more polished version of my back-of-the-napkin math that I had previously shared to the mobile guild at my last company, Flipp - and also wrote about right here on this site.

I would recommend against watching my talk, BUT - you absolutely should check out the rest of them!! Learned so much from all of the other speakers, both technical and non-technical alike. Catch them over on SwiftLeeds’ YouTube channel: .

If you really are looking for a sleeping aid, though, mine is also there on YouTube:

(NOTE: my slides of course had a problem in them because I am a godawful excuse for a human being who threw this together the night before/morning of, but I immediately corrected and shared to all of the attendees via the conference Slack, so here are the corrected ones uploaded for anyone who wants them! It was an issue with the rotations demo, classic Alex commenting out the wrong line of code and making the view rotate about the wrong axis…)


3D transforms on iOS under the hood part II: Perspective shifts